This is the Fractal Flame painting that started it all, Titled: "Evolving Symmetry," Two others exist in red and green.
The Pacific Design Center has a series of art galleries on the second floor. Thomas Paul Fine Art has its showroom therein
I love this photo. A classic pose and all this gentleman needs is a top hat and cane. The couple was very kind and their attendance was very appreciated.
Fourteen total, response was very uplifting and gave me a sense of purpose.
My friend, my most honest critic, Producer/Editor at major studio in town, gave me a thumbs. Can you tell I am happy?
This painting originally hung top to bottom... Tom suggested hanging it sideways and thereon it took on a whole different idea.
This painting, "Breeze #5," was received well and will be featured at the Agora Gallery in New York as a winning exhibitor piece for the Chelsea International Fine Art Contest. Seventy-five artists were selected, only two digital artist were accepted, and I was fortunate enough, and quite honored, to have this painting chosen as one of them.
To the far left is a 30x40-inch "Thriving #61" series painting
You meet the nicest people at an art gallery.
It was really great when the showroom filled. I was thrilled beyond belief.